PC Services
MacBook Workstation Setup
Step 1: Unpacking Equipment
- Open and verify you have received everything and there is no damage
Your Kit Includes:
- MacBook and Power Adapter/Cord
- Documentation
If there is damage or missing items, please call your local IT Service Desk number.
Step 2: MacBook Setup
- Enter requested information for the Mac setup
- Enter country/region
- Select any accessibility options if neccessary
- Select WiFi and input password to WiFi if neccessary
- Click to allow the organization to configure the MacBook
- Sign in to the company portal with your credentials
- Create a computer account (password is temporary)
- Enter your time zone
- Allow MacBook to enroll and provision
- Log into your profile
- Select "Enable" at the FileVault pop up
- Register the MacBook
- Select Self-Service button found at the bottom of the screen
- Search for "Intune"
- Select "Register" under Intune Conditional Access Registration
- Sign into the company Portal
- Select "Continue" when prompted and "Done" once complete
Complete registration
A pop up with come up in the top right of the screen. Press "Complete" and then login using your company credentials
- Select "Always Allow"
- Complete Zscaler setup
- Return to Self-Service App
- Search for zscaler
- Select "Connect"
- Enter your work email and select "Login"
- When prompted to allow Zscaler to use your current location, select either option to finish your MacBook setup